Assalam Community Foundation

working for a self-sufficient Africa

It is a non-profit, new generation social enterprise.

About Us


Assalam is a young social entrepreneurial NGO which produces projects for a self-sufficient Africa, with a vision to develop sustainable solutions for the problems of Africa, with a mission to create high-quality educational facilities for children and to generate sources of revenue for women, by building partnerships all around the world.

Our Manifesto

  1. Assalam Community Foundation is founded in Africa and belongs to Africa.
  2. Serves the Creator and all His creations in people and earth shape, carries out all projects based on fair share.
  3. Aims to create an Africa which is self-sufficient, independent and dignified on its own.
  4. Connect the world with Africa while connecting Africa with the world and by doing so it aims to build cooperation based on the mutual gain.
  5. Searches for the solutions on both professional and volunteer basis and tries to fit these solutions into a scalable size.
  6. Creates sustainable means of living and employment opportunities for African people.
  7. Uses all the income from projects for the continuity of the projects.

Our Values

  • Sustainability, self-sufficiency, slow-movement
  • Earth care, people care, fair share
  • Holistic, hardworking, hakuna matata
  • Enterpreneurial, empowering, educating
  • Respect, Re-think, re-connect

Our Community

Assalam Community come from various and diverse backgrounds including locals (local inhabitants, local schools, local farmers collaborating with Assalam programmes, local traders joining Assalams fair share products, volunteers, students, workers, suppliers, consultants, ex-trainees, visitors, organizations in partnership, networks etc.

Our Experience

In Terms of Quality Education for everyone we have 5 main educational projects:

  1. Assalam International School
  2. Assalam Children University / Madrasa
  3. Assalam Vocational Training Center
  4. Assalam Youth Center / Africamp
  5. Assalam Mobile Library

In Terms of Economic Development and Sustainability Focused Social Programs we have a total of 10 social enterprise brands:

  1. KangaAfrica to sell the products produced by women in the sewing and design workshop and to generate income,
  2. CafeAfrica&Shops in Zanzibar
  3. GaleriAfrica in İstanbul, as platforms where these products will be sold
  4. MamaAfrica, a responsible tourism program established for our volunteers to be involved in our projects
  5. Ecovilla as accommodation for visitors
  6. Africamp, where international and local camps are organized
  7. PermAfrica for the sale of products grown in our garden and obtained from our animals,
  8. Designafrica for carpentry workshops wooden products
  9. Windbeads for jewelleries
  10. Eatinafrica for products of cooking classes in VTC

In Terms of Humanitarian Aid we have 10 different projects to support the community:

  1. Microcredit
  2. School (uniform, stationary, hygenic kits)
  3. Toys
  4. Water solutions
  5. Food forest
  6. House repair
  7. School repair
  8. Food packages
  9. Clothing support for kids
  10. Financial one time supports in emergencies

Our Impact



Villages for education projects


Partner from all around the world


student in nursery and primary school


women getting vocationally trained every year


Unite VTC and Youth Center


rooms in campus volunteers





Assalam Community Foundation

We are a young not-for-profit organization that works on behalf of a self-sufficient Africa.

Kizimkazi Mkunguni Village, P.O. 312 Zanzibar, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kizimkazi Mkunguni

+255 776 143 284 (EN-AR-TR)
+255 776 143 281 (SW)

[email protected]

© Copyright 2019 - Assalam Community Foundation | All Rights Reserved

Assalam Community Foundation

We are a young not-for-profit organization that
works on behalf of a self-sufficient Africa.

Kizimkazi Mkunguni Village, P.O. 312 Zanzibar, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kizimkazi Mkunguni

+255 776 143 284 (EN-AR-TR)
+255 776 143 281 (SW) 

[email protected]

© Copyright 2019 - Assalam Community Foundation | All Rights Reserved
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Assalam Community Foundation

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